Science Before The Drill Bit

The Corporation’s investment philosophy is “...Science Before the Drill Bit”. EnDevCo believes the sensible application of geoscience technologies provides profound risk reduction while significantly improving the profit upside for oil and gas exploration and production investments.

EnDevCo’s management team is highly experienced and dedicated to developing projects that are consistent with our corporate business model and investment strategy. Consequently, all of our projects have existing infrastructure that can be leveraged and a substantial upside value that can be achieved by the application of new technology.

EnDevCo’s business model includes strategies to participate in the following vertically integrated sectors of the oil and gas and energy industries:

  • Oil and gas exploration and production: domestic and foreign
  • Technology development for the enhancement of oil and gas production
    • Seismic interpretation
    • Enhanced recovery mechanical devices
    • Drilling and completion techniques
  • Industrial site development
    • Integration of power generation and natural gas production

Domestic Activity

International Activity


    Development and implementation of new energy technologies is a key business focus for the Corporation. The identification of and early participation in the implementation of these types of technologies opens several avenues for potential revenue generation and profits. In some instances, the technology can be manufactured and sold to end users once the market accepts the technology. In other instances, the technology might provide a unique competitive advantage that can be successfully leveraged by the Corporation in the acquisition and development of additional energy projects.

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